No Limits Perth in partnership with the following organisations, provides a FREE monthly outreach hub n for twice per month (once in Wanneroo & once in Joondalup) those living homeless or doing it tough:
Wanneroo Community Services Hub :
Location: The Hepburn Centre - Neighbourhood House
Address: 46 Highclere Boulevard
WA. 6064
Dates for 2025: Feb 5th, March 5th, April 2nd, May 7th, June 4th
July 2nd, August 6th & 7th, Sept 3rd, Oct 1st, Nov 5th
* Doggy wash - service provided by Taylored Grooming
* Hair cuts - service provided by Scissors 4 hair
* Centrelink service - provided by the Dept of Human Service
* Food hampers - provided by OzHarvest, Morris Tucker Fresh, No Limits Perth
* Clothing - provided by No Limits Perth
* Animal food - provided by ARC (Animal Rescue Cooperative)
* Toiletries - provided by No Limits Perth
* Nappies & Sanitary Items - provided by No Limits Perth
* Sausage sizzle - provided by Rotary Club of Osbourne Park
* Justice of the Peace service - provided by the Hepburn Centre - Neighbourhood House
* Venue sponsored by the Hepburn Centre - Neighbourhood House

Joondalup Community Services Hub :
Location: Central Car West
Address: Car Park P8
Off Grand Boulevard
Dates for 2025: Feb 20th, March 20th, April 17th, May 22nd, June 19th
July 24th, August 21st, Sept 18th, Oct 23rd, Nov 20th
* Doggy wash - service provided by Shampoochies
* Hair cuts - service provided by Anita from Headlines Hair Boutique & Carlo
* No Perishable Food hampers - provided by Morris Tucker Fresh, No Limits Perth
* Clothing - provided by No Limits Perth
* Animal food - provided by ARC (Animal Rescue Cooperative)
* Toiletries - provided by No Limits Perth
* Nappies & Sanitary Items - provided by No Limits Perth
* Sausage sizzle - provided by Rotary Club of Joondalup
* Justice of the Peace service - provided by Hepburn Centre - Neighbourhood House
* Venue sponsored by the City of Joondalup